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Pastor's MessageJanuary / February 2025 Beloved people of God 2025 has been a very dramatic year so far with much turbulence world-wide. It is challenging to be people of faith at such a time and our concern is further exacerbated by the inaccuracies, half-truths, biases, and outright lies perpetuated by the media. In the midst of all that is happening, our faith is the most powerful thing we have to offer a hurting world: not a faith that demands everyone believes as we do, but a faith embodied in kindness and compassion and rooted in prayer. This is what we can do. I urge you too to protect yourselves from over exposure to the media, and to continue to do things that bring you and others joy. If we do this, we will be able to be light in a troubled world that is in such need of light. I also urge you to consider carefully your valuable vote in what is likely to be an upcoming federal election and to pray for wisdom in this regard. On Wednesday February 5th, St. Matthias is sponsoring and serving the luncheon meal for the patrons of Our Place on Pandora Avenue. If you are interested and available to help serve now that we have a date. Please get in touch with me and I will send you the details. You can send me an email: clissamer@bc.anglican.ca Bishop Anna will be visiting the parish and celebrating the Eucharist with us on Sunday February 9th. She is not coming with specific news but to spend time with God’s beloved people at St. Matthias, so I hope you will endeavor to be in attendance that day and for coffee hour afterwards.
With love and assurance of my prayers for each one of you.
Rev. Colleen+
Upcoming events:
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Vestry Meeting Sunday, February 23, following worship(and reports from group representatives lovingly requested) Indeed, it's soon time for our annual Vestry Meeting (or Annual General Meeting). You'll have received a note recently, but we're so excited to be together to review the incredible signs that God's power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Please mark your calendars and make your arrangements to participate. And, yes, for those who must be away, you can arrange a proxy vote. (In the coming days, we'll have those available in the church, or by email. If you'd like an electronic version, kindly email wardens@stmatthiasvictoria.ca ). |
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Office UpdateMore flexibility!!! Please continue to hold Ennis and her family, particularly her grandmother, in your prayers. We're not sure when Ennis will return to the physical office, so we thank you in advance for your patience! We will try to keep the "regular" office hours of 9:30 - 1:30 on Tuesday and Friday, but "stuff happens," and we rely on the kindness and patience of our entire community. However, as always, remember that in case of pastoral emergency, Reverend Colleen's phone number is 250.882 5191 ... and it's a cell phone, you so can also send her a text message. And, her email is clissamer@bc.anglican.ca If it's something more "administrative," please feel free to email the wardens wardens@stmatthiasvictoria.ca. Ennis is monitoring the office email admin@stmatthiasvictoria.ca, but she may not be able to help as immediately as she would like. (Remember, she's away while attending to her family's needs.) As always, many thanks!! |
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Rev. Colleen's going on retreatFollowing Vestry, Feb. 23, Back on March 4 This is leadership by example. Reverend Colleen is taking some time for a retreat ... a wonderful spiritual practice for anyone, but absolutely essential for our clergy leaders. Rev. Colleen will be chairing and participating in our Vestry meeting (quiet, subtle reminder: Sunday, February 23), then leaving for retreat. We are incredibly lucky that the Reverend Canon Karen Fast will lead us in worship on Sunday, March 2. And, while Rev. Colleen's away, you can contact Rev. Karen if there is a pastoral emergency. The wardens will work hard to monitor the office voicemails if you leave a message -- of course, relating to Rev. Karen any message indicating a pastoral emergency.
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Sneak preview: Ash Wednesday is March 5
We love the season of Epiphany, with its reminders of the Light of the World and our role in service and faithful witness. At the same time, we realize that the next newsletter might come a bit abruptly with the end of Epiphany and the beginning of Lent. Please know that Rev. Colleen has already put a great deal of thought in how we embrace the Lenten season this year and how we prepare for the amazing feast of the Resurrection. We are honoured to share, with her kind permission, this beautiful and evocative image by Pyx Sutherland. So, just note the approach of the next season in the Church's year. And, yes, we hope to mark the transition of Shrove Tuesday in our traditional celebration of pancakes and sausages. Stay tuned. |