From the Rector's DeskThe Triduum: A Three-Day Liturgy This week brings us to the centre point of our Christian faith: the three days of Easter, beginning with Maundy Thursday, leading into Good Friday, and culminating in the Easter Vigil. These three days, liturgically called the Triduum, are really one liturgy which flows through the three days. We come and go from these celebrations keeping in mind that they are really one celebration. Maundy Thursday ritualises our call to humble service through the washing of feet and remembers the gift of Christ’s own self through the gift of the Eucharist. Good Friday commemorates the unjust suffering and death of Jesus which he freely accepted out of love for the whole world, and the Easter Vigil reminds us that God has been with their people throughout all of history, and we celebrate that we are a beloved and redeemed people, sent out into the world to bring that love and redemption to all. At the Easter Vigil, we light the new fire from which the Paschal candle is then lit and the Easter Anthem (the Exultet) is proclaimed. The Easter water is blessed and the congregation has the opportunity to renew their baptismal commitment. I will be participating in the Easter Vigil at Christchurch Cathedral on Saturday Night at 8.pm. and I will bring St. Matthias’s Paschal Candle to be lit from the new fire if any parishioners would like to join me. It will also be livestreamed if you want to watch it at home. I know that you are not all able, for various reasons to participate in all parts of the Triduum. I encourage you to do as much as you can, and to be aware that this celebration takes place for all of us, whether we are physically present or not. I will be at St. Matthias on Easter Sunday morning to celebrate this wonderful resurrection day with you. If you have bells at home, bring them to ring during the Gloria. It is truly a day to make a joyful noise. The Lord has risen, Alleluia. + Rev Colleen Lissamer |
Holy Week and Easter Services at St Matthias
Friday March 29 10:00AM Good Friday Service (in The Chapel)
Saturday March 30 *AT THE CATHEDRAL* 8:00PM Vigil of Easter Parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend.
Sunday March 31 *AT ST MATTHIAS* 10:00AM Easter Sunday Service |
Easter Sunday - Interested in contributing flowers?
Beloved community, Following the incredible journey of Holy Week, we greet the wonderful news of the Resurrection on Sunday. The alleluias will ring out ... the joy will be palpable. If you wish to bring flowers to help decorate the church or adorn the cross, there are some choices for you. Reverend Colleen will be at St. Matthias between 10 am and 12 noon on Holy Saturday if you wish to bring some flowers or pots of bulbs, etc. You might also wish to bring a few flowers from your garden (or a friendly grocery store or nursery!) on Sunday morning and join in the cheerful work of cladding the wooden cross in bright colours. Sing, Hosanna, Sing! |
The Great Vigil of EasterSaturday, March 30, 2024 We gather around a fire, telling the stories of our ancestors – the creation, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the valley of the dry bones – all are meant to prime us for the greatest triumph yet: Jesus’ resurrection. The choir sings 20th century French composer Jean Langlais’s dramatic “Messe Solennelle”. Don’t forget to bring your bell or other noisemaker, which we ring throughout the singing of the Gloria! Guest Preacher: The Very Reverend Peter Elliott. Incense will be used. For more infomation visit: http://stmatthiasvictoria.ca/events/the-great-vigil-of-easter/2024-03-30
We Together 2024Friday, April 12, 2024 We Together is our regular (once every other year) diocesan conference to remind us of the ways we are connected; we are stronger together. We are bound in countless ways, in our structures, in our prayers, and through the stories we tell. We are each others concern, and we are each others gift. This year we are continuing to focus on our context, building on the "here in this place" theme from We Together 2022 we will be looking at what it means to serve and minister in the most non-religious context in North America. We have unique challenges, and unique opportunities. The conference will begin on Friday evening April 12th with an evening banquet at the Baumann Centre followed by an opening address by our Executive Director, Brendon Neilson. On Saturday we will gather at St. John the Divine in Victoria featuring our keynote speaker John Thatamanil, our Diocesan Theologian. John will be presenting two sessions with small group dialogue following each. We will end our time with the celebration of the Eucharist with Bishop Anna preaching and presiding. For those looking for accommodations, the diocese has a corporate rate at The Laurel Point Inn. If you phone the hotel and mention the rate, it will be applied. Finacial Aid Information: If you would like to attend but the costs are unaffordable, please select the subsidized ticket rate and we will be in touch with you about completing the grant form. Funds have been provided by the Education Trust Board with the requirement that a form be completed. The available grants will cover travel, food and accommodation. There is max. of $175/person and funds will be distributed according to the Diocesan Travel Reimbursement Policy. To review this policy please CLICK HERE. All grant funds will be mailed by cheque after the event is over and once the form is complete. To register, please click on the Register button. Registration opens March 1, 2024 and closes April 1, 2024. For more infomation visit: http://stmatthiasvictoria.ca/events/we-together-2024/2024-04-12
The Way of the CrossGood Friday Procession - Friday, March 29, 2024 A Good Friday Procession of the large wooden cross through downtown Victoria is planned for March 29th. Coordinated by parishioners of Christ Church Cathedral, we conduct the walk as a contemplative opportunity for participants to reflect on the meaning of Good Friday. The intent is that participation be available to any who wish to come, who may join or leave en route as they’re moved to do. We leave Pioneer Square at Quadra and Rockland at 9:00 AM, returning by approximately 10:15 AM in time for services held at the Cathedral (12:00 noon) and elsewhere. The route proceeds from Pioneer Park along Quadra to Burdett and Humboldt, then north along Government to Johnson, east on Johnson to Quadra then returning to Pioneer Square. Short readings of the five passages from scripture are made at stops en route, and changes in carriers of the cross occur by request on an ongoing basis during the procession. For more infomation visit: http://stmatthiasvictoria.ca/events/the-way-of-the-cross/2024-03-29
Palestine Solidarity WalkGood Friday - Friday, March 29, 2024 So many of us are grieving. Following a pilgrimage walk a few weeks back, this is an invitation to keep momentum going and join in a grassroots, contemplative walk in solidarity with those suffering in Palestine. We'll start walking at 1pm and the walk will take 4-6 hours (varies with each walker). Feel free to walk some or all of the journey. Meet at Centennial Square at the east side of the fountain closer to the bus stop at 12:45 to depart at 1pm. We'll end at Abbey Church (former First Met building) for silent candle-lighting. Feel free to walk some or all of the route – less than ½ the length of Palestine (18 k). Call or text 778 977 7562 (Rob+) 0r 250 208 7296 (Matt+) if you can't find us or want to join us later. Map (with WC ‘s on the way) will be provided. We will walk by the water, to Dallas and as far as Richmond and then up Richmond to Royal Jubilee Hospital and then back downtown, via Haultain, Fernwood and Balmoral. Bus routes on the way. We welcome all folks of goodwill - those of all religious / non-religious / spiritual, political, cultural and ethnic affiliations, and all ages, to engage in this solemn walk. The date is a statutory holiday, Good Friday in the Christian tradition, so few coffee shops or restaurants will be open. For those not fasting (ie for Ramadan or Good Friday), bring food and water. - Signage Ok but no chanting. You are invited to hold any of the following intentions in your heart in prayer. For more info, route map, etc. please contact admin@abbeychurch.ca For more infomation visit: http://stmatthiasvictoria.ca/events/palestine-solidarity-walk/2024-03-29