Parish Council "is both a process and a structure to enable parishioners to accept and to share more fully the task of continuing the church’s work in the parish and neighbourhood. Its work should call forth and affirm the many gifts and competencies needed to meet the pastoral needs of God’s people and make manifest the presence of Christ in the communities it serves." 

When you look at the neighbouring group photo, you may be surprised at how large a group we are ... But this is a group photo of volunteers for Shrove Tuesday Pancakes!  Most, but not all,  Parish Council is pictured.  It's amazing, what spirit and fun you see.  

Parish council usually meets every two months, on the third Thursday at 11:30 am in the chapel (but we occasionally take breaks over summer or, depending on timing, during the Advent / Christmas season).   Parish council's role is to discuss parish business and to make policy decisions needed to move the parish forward in the time between our annual vestry meetings. Members are elected each year at the annual vestry (AGM).  We warmly invite members of the parish to observe the meetings -- maybe you'll feel a call to put your name forward at the next vestry!

Minutes of the meetings as well as supporting documents and proposals are found at

If you would like the password to access these resources, drop a line to or or to our priest, the Reverend Colleen Lissamer